Komentáře 3

dosty47 | Fandíme filmu
dosty47 | 2017-03-06 12:50:22 | 1 0
Trailer Wonder Woman možná už v 18:00hod !!!

Wonder Woman news drops at 12pm ET on Monday, March 6th.

Last week bloggers got to visit the London editing suite of Wonder Woman for a look at exclusive footage. They get to talk about it tomorrow at 12pm ET.

There are also whispers that that's when the new trailer will drop. Needless to say, it's going to be an awesome day (and week) for Wonder Woman!
dosty47 | Fandíme filmu
dosty47 | 2017-03-06 09:34:16 | 0 0
Justice League: First Look Jason Momoa Aquaman Water Footage !!!
Roman | Fandíme filmu
Roman | 2017-03-06 09:26:10 | 0 0
proste pecka niekdo hral batman arkham knight

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