Captain America 3: Smrt nevinných, generál Ross ad.
Napsal: Petr Slavík - (Anarvin), 25.06.2015 17:00
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[Pro jistotu MODEROVÁNO - odkazy mohou vyzrazovat potitulkové scény filmu]… />…
Fimi - první šance je asi spolu s Ant-Manem, druhá na conu D23, pokud tam Disney Civil War přiveze, a třetí v době vydání blučka Avengers 2.
by mě zajímalo, jak bude vypadat Antmanův nový kostým v Civil war....kdy by se teoreticky mohlo objevit první teaser, v září? Crossbones konečně vypadá fakt drsně...doufám že to nezklame jako AoU
Jack Giroux @JackGi
Ant-Man isn't just great entertainment, it's also a great movie. Marvel's most human film to date. Fantastic.
Jeremy Smith @mrbeaks
It takes ANT-MAN a moment to get cranked up, but once it does, it's sensational. My favorite third-act of any Marvel movie.
Dave Karger @davekarger
Just saw #AntMan & loved it. Sharp, easy to follow & very funny. My kind of superhero movie. Paul Rudd is terrific & Michael Peña steals it.
Germain Lussier @GermainLussier
Ant-Man is more methodical than most Marvel movies but it's hilarious & a totally great ride. So many fun MCU links too. Another winner.
Kyle Buchanan @kylebuchanan
Recent Marvel credit scenes have been kind of minor, but ANT-MAN has two (mid-credits and at the very end) that, unlike its hero, are huge.
David Daniel @CNNLADavid
#AntMan – great action, hilarious (Michael Peña steals every scene he's in), and delightfully off-kilter.
Steven Weintraub @colliderfrosty 19s19 seconds ago
ANT-MAN is good. Not a disaster like some expected but also not a homerun. Has a *must see* after the end credits scene.
John Boone @jtyboone 2m2 minutes ago [ETNow]
Guys, don't worry. #AntMan is good. Like, goooooood. Also, it's the weirdest Marvel movie yet. Weirder than "Guardians of the Galaxy" even.
Eric Eisenberg @eeisenberg 6m6 minutes ago
Ant-Man is a different Marvel movie in scale (go figure!), but also a whole bunch of fun. Laughed a lot, and great performances all around…