Komentáře 3

Rodann | Fandíme filmu
Rodann | 2024-07-08 15:27:25 | 0 0
Marvel SNAP lehce spoileruje film:

https://www.reddit.com/media?u… />
Vypadá to na variantu s příznačným jménem Hotpool.
Hronik | Fandíme filmu
Hronik | 2024-07-07 19:24:42 | 0 0
Tak kdo se všechno chystá do kina?
Rodann | Fandíme filmu
Rodann | 2024-07-06 15:31:13 | 1 0
Už jsem to psal vedle, ale co už - v Šanghaji se promítalo prvních 40 min. Deadpool & Wolverine a zde je souhrn:

Spoiler-filled description and review of some of the footage:

- It’s very violent and funny with great action sequences, an excellent score, and some deeply emotional scenes.
- It has a very violent connection to the ending of the ‘LOGAN’ film.
- Various versions of Logan appear, including one as a zombie.
- Many cameos.
- Many jokes about FOX and Disney were included.
- All the scenes in the trailer are within the first 40 minutes of the footage.
- Wolverine vs Hulk.
- Lady Deadpool wore a mask but had a voice that sounded like Blake Lively’s.
- It felt like a blend of the epic scale of ‘AVENGERS: ENDGAME’ and the irreverent humor of Deadpool.

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