Avengers: Endgame: Co přinesl bonusový materiál v kinech a ochutnávka z Blu-ray
Napsal: Petr Slavík - (Anarvin), 02.07.2019 21:17
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| 03.03.2025 08:27
Since the incident at Pleasant Hill, Captain America's memories were rewritten by the sentient Cosmic Cube Kobik, who was manipulated by the Red Skull's clone into making Steve think he had been a Hydra sleeper agent since World War II. As Chitauri forces launch a massive attack on Earth, Rogers is now head of S.H.I.E.L.D. where he is appointed head of Earth's defense forces during the assault. He dispatches Captain Marvel, the Ultimates (Blue Marvel, America Chavez, Spectrum), the Alpha Flight Space Program, the Guardians of the Galaxy (Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Groot), Hyperion, and Quasar to intercept the Chitauri outside Earth's atmosphere as Ironheart and her Tony Stark A.I. as Iron Man prepare an attempt to establish an indestructible forcefield around the planet. At the same time, the Defenders (Daredevil, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage), Doctor Strange, Spider-Woman, and Cloak and Dagger oppose an assault by various members of Baron Zemo's Army of Evil. While Hyperion and Quasar are taken out of the battle by the Chitauri, Nitro explodes defeating the Defenders. The villains disappear upon the Avenger Unity Division's arrival. Just as the Planetary Defense Shield around the Earth is brought online, Rogers reveals his allegiance to Hydra as the Hydra Supreme by trapping Captain Marvel's forces outside of Earth's atmosphere. Meanwhile, all of Manhattan is imprisoned within the Darkforce Dimension after Baron Helmut Zemo uses the Darkhold to enhance Blackout's abilities. Iron Man sends a signal out to the other heroes to meet in Washington, D.C. as fast as they can.[9]