Spider-Man: Chandler Riggs je stále zklamaný z toho, že nezískal hlavní roli
Napsal: Jan Lysý - (Lee), 01.01.2019 09:33
Spider-Man: Homecoming
07.07.2017 | USA, Německo
Akční, Komedie, Sci-Fi, Dobrodružný, Fantasy
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O tom, že máš prachy se mě ani nesnaž přesvědčit. To by si život trávil trochu jinak než 6 hodin denně čumět na pohyblivý obrázky.
shameless - 1.seria (2011), rim - 1.seria (2005), weeds - 1.seria (2005), rim - 2.seria (2007), weeds - 2.seria (2006), hrdinovia - 1.seria (2006), dexter - 1.seria (2006), weeds - 3.seria (2007), hrdinovia - 2.seria (2007), dexter - 2.seria (2007), skins - 1.seria (2007), gossip girl - 1.seria (2007), povedz kto ta zabil - 1. seria (2007), tudorovci - 1.seria (2007)
V tom případě jsi buď naprostý asociál, nebo nemáš co dělat. To není něco čím by ses měl veřejně chlubit.
berlin syndrome (2017), the exception (2016), the recall (2017), v hlave (2015), lovcova modlitba (2017), it comes at night (2017), 47 metrov (2017), na plny plyn (2017), oblacno miestami fasirky 2 (2013), patdesiat odtienov temnoty (2017), bokeh (2017), psia dusa (2017), atomic blonde (2017), slecna nebezpecna (2012), na vlastnu past (2015), the discovery (2017), arsenal (2017), the assignment (2016), 100 streets (2016), cell (2016), v pasci (2016), morgan (2016), annabelle: creation (2017), momentum (2015), the edge of seventeen (2016), sex tape (2014), term life (2016), cabin fever (2016), the do over (2016), mama (2013), v zajati demonov (2013), logan lucky (2017), zabijakov osobny strazca (2017), pan dokonaly (2015), dobry zly a mrtvy (2015), na vine su hviezdy (2014), lov na zabijaka (2012), green room (2015), viral (2016), edge of winter (2016), americka repoterka (2016), tallulah (2016), ja pomsta (2016), annabelle (2014), predtym ako som ta spoznala (2016), hra penazi (2016), barry seal: nebesky gauner (2017), temna veza (2017), high-rise (2015), holidays (2016), pyramida (2014), outlaws and angels (2016), the adderall diares (2015), carnage park (2016), careful what you wish for (2015), duel (2016), the trust (2016), traded (2016), the fundamentals of caring (2016), keanu (2016), americky zabijak (2017), to (2017), i saw the light (2015), the girl in the photographs (2015), demolition (2015), everybody wants some (2016), caro pritomneho okamihu (2013), zazraky z neba (2016), otcovia a dcery (2015), the lobster (2015), river (2015), perfektny den (2015), manhattan night (2016), hraci so smrtou (2017), the bronze (2015), kingsman: zlaty kruh (2017), chcem ta chces ma (2014), nezlomny (2014), tajomstvo jej oci (2015), i am not a serial killer (2016), bite (2015), lazer team (2015), high strung (2016), nekonecna laska (2014), hologram for the king (2016), take down (2016), equals (2015), sparne leto (2015), shot caller (2017), disorder (2015), blade runner 2049 (2017), zachrante pana banksa (2013), maggie (2015), smrtiaca liecba (2013), i.t. (2016), the remains (2016), daylights end (2016), ako ulovit frajera (2015), sharknado (2013), maximum ride (2016), sharknado 2 (2014), sharknado 3 (2015), interrogation (2016), terrordactyl (2016), love and friendship (2016), ma ma (2015), mike a dave zhanaju baby (2016), sacrifice (2016), the darkness (2016), snehuliak (2017), spasa (2014), 33 zivotov (2015), velky gastby (2013), brother nature (2016), signal z neznama (2014), the neighbor (2016), the good neighbor (2016), popstar: never stop never stopping (2016), white girl (2016), tanec je moja vasen 2 (2016), tell me how i die (2016), genius (2016), jane got a gun (2016), cardboard boxer (2016), krvavy tomahawk (2015), teror birds (2016), arq (2016), matka! (2017), night of the living deb (2015), beyond valkyrie: dawn of the fourth reich (2016), magic mike 2 (2015), jessabelle (2014), hunt for the wilderpeople (2016), 31(2016), teoria vsetkeho (2014), nemilosrdni (2015), goat (2016), moj slepy brat (2016), miss stevens (2016), approaching the unknown (2016), the late bloomer (2016), neon demon (2016), swiss army man (2016), the siege of jadotville (2016), infiltrator (2016), geostorm (2017), worry dolls (2016), znasilnena (2014), complete unknown (2016), vykonavatel (2013), clowntown (2016), laid in america (2016), prenasledovani (2013), sharknado 4 (2016), mercury plains (2016), london town (2016), i am the pretty thing that lives in the house (2016), be somebody (2016), certain women (2016), toto je nas svet (2016), into the forest (2015), cafe society (2016), vsetko najhorsie (2017), zradca medzi nami (2016), mr. church (2016), thor: ragnarok (2017), phantasm 5: ravager (2016), jack goes home (2016), recovery (2016), stokerovci (2013), the sea of trees (2015), matky rebelky (2016), operacia anthropoid (2016), don verdean (2015), i am not ashamed (2016), zombies (2017), fear inc (2016), the unspoken (2015), the windmill massacre (2016), my dead boy (2016), kickboxer: vengeance (2016), baked in brooklyn (2016), imperium (2016), army of one (2016), hands of stone (2016), za kazdu cenu (2016), yoga hosers (2016), the true memoirs of an international assassin (2016), kung fu panda 3 (2016), vrazda v orient exprese (2017), zlodejka knih (2013), lets dance 5 (2014), dokonale alibi (2014), nezastavitelny muz (2014), odobrat z priatelov (2014), indignation (2016), morris from america (2016), kill command (2016), trash fire (2016), come and find me (2016), the hollars (2016), utok na pariz (2016), brana bojovnikov (2016), dieta bridget jonesovej (2016), american honey (2016), zootropolis (2016), dobry dinosaurus (2015), bozska florence (2016), hlada sa dory (2016), spectral (2016), the dissappointments room (2016), tajny zivot maznacikov (2016), justice league (2017), hotel transylvania 2 (2015), detektiv z Hongkongu (2016), bociany (2016), snowden (2016), muz na spravnom mieste (2016), zasnuby na dobu neurcitu (2012), run the tide (2016), dads army (2016), the posession experiment (2016), pet (2016), the eyes of my mother (2016), siren (2016), sugar mountain (2016), the dressmaker (2015), mali muzi (2016), when the bough breaks (2016), in a valley of violence (2016), blair witch (2016), zrodenie naroda (2016), max steel (2016), ouija: zrodenie zla (2016), the whole truth (2016), wind river (2017), decommissioned (2016), eliminators (2016), hacker (2016), dont think twice (2016), ordinary world (2016), the great gilly hopkins (2015), equity (2016), popieranie holokaustu (2016), closet monster (2015), middle schol: the worst years of my life (2016), zrodenie diabla (2014), go north (2017), 48 hours to live (2016), pod vysokym napatim (2015), svetlo medzi oceanmi (2016), the hollow point (2016), iboy (2017), trollovia (2016), loving (2016), deviaty zivot louisa draxa (2016), tri billboardy kusok za ebbingom (2016), claire in motion (2016), the free world (2016), the monster (2016), my father die (2016), long nights short mornings (2016), lost in florence (2017), good kill (2014), sophie and the rising sun (2016), wonderstruck (2017), kralovna z katwe (2016), arbor demon (2016), clinical (2017), i dont feel at home in this world anymore (2017), unos linky 657 (2015), miesto pri mori (2016), bleed for this (2016), ulicka slavy (2016), americka idyla (2016), pravidla neplatia (2016), in dubious battle (2016), frank a lola (2016), podoba vody (2017), tajomny muz (2012), nebezpecny cudzinec (2014), na uteku (2012), moonlight (2016), burn country (2016), eloise (2017), two lovers and a bear (2016), stake land 2 (2016), abattoir (2016), desierto (2015), stray bullets (2016), drifter (2016), christine (2016), havenhurst (2016), ako byt single (2016), blackway (2015), jackie (2016), spojenci (2016), mlcanie (2016), vaiana (2016), star wars: posledni jediovia (2017), na okraji puste (2015), inkarnacia (2016), lietadla (2013), proti svojej krvi (2016), man down (2015), ploty (2016), king cobra (2016), bornless one (2016), priceless (2016), velka americka lupez (2013), all we had (2016), 20th century women (2016), the institute (2017), waffle street (2015), pribeh lasky a temnoty (2015), a kind of murder (2016), lavender (2016), collateral beauty (2016), spievaj (2016), najvacsi showman (2017), brimstone (2016), miss sloane (2016), jumanji: vitajte v dzungli (2017), diablov uzol (2013), vojna proti vsetkym (2016), lion (2016), skryte zlo (2017), lietadla 2 (2014), the girl with all the gifts (2016), skryte cisla (2016), zakladatel (2016), la la land (2016), devil in the dark (2017), always shine (2016), bad kids of crestview academy (2017), i am michael (2015), mean dreams (2016), sklenene peklo (2017), the dark tapes (2016), elle (2016), voice from the stone (2017), rupture (2016), sand castle (2017), insidious: posledny kluc (2018), the comedian (2016), chatrc (2017), zmensovanie (2017), peelers (2016), atomica (2017), the void (2016), the book of love (2016), bethany (2017), paterson (2016), dont hang up (2016), premature: prebudim sa vcera (2014), dont kill it (2016), youth in oregon (2016), na ulici po opici v zltych satach (2014), hrdina max (2015), kralovna puste (2015), february (2015), bodi: psia superstar (2016), drone (2017), black butterfly (2017), wakefield (2016), war machine (2017), najtemnejsia hodina (2017), a dark song (2016), salt and fire (2016), altitude (2017), the daughter (2015), the black room (2017), detour (2016), beyond the gates (2016), tri generacie (2015), pandemic (2016), vo stvorici v mexiku (2014), the last heist (2016), kocur bob (2016), krvavy obchod (2015), instant death (2017), carodejnik zo zeme lzi (2017), personal shopper (2016), vincent n roxxy (2016), mine (2016), once upon a time in venice (2017), aftermath (2017), a united kingdom (2016), t2 trainspotting (2017), labyrint: smrtelna liecba (2018), here alone (2016), black site delta (2017), absolutely anything (2015), xx (2017), mindhorn (2016), dead awake (2016), demoni minulosti (2013), sliedic (2014), dennik slabocha: vylet za vsetky peniaze (2017), wilson (2017), you get me (2017), inconceivable (2017), 2:22 (2017), the bad batch (2016), okja (2017), muz vo vlaku (2018), konecne doma (2015), rozzureny pes (2017), lady bloodfight (2016), the shadow effect (2017), hounds of love (2016), table 19 (2017), bitter harvest (2017), uvaznene pod hladinou (2016), killem all (2017), the last word (2017), hroch (2017), tygria zeleznica (2016), awakening the zodiac (2017), smolkovia: zabudnuta dedinka (2017), their finest (2016), ukryt v zoo (2017), baby sef (2017), posledna tvar (2016), the promise (2016), dokonala lupez (2018), darkness rising (2017), la corrispondenza (2016), the autopsy of jane doe (2016), shimmer lake (2017), this beatiful fantastic (2016), alone in berlin (2016), hickok (2017), dracie srdce 4 (2017), zabite salazara (2016), cesta za pomstou (2015), song to song (2017), american fable (2016), norman (2016), velky dar (2017), black panther (2018), awaken the shadowman (2017), person to person (2017), slepy (2017), tommys honour (2016), the gracefield incident (2017), feed (2017), killing ground (2016), it stains the sands red (2016), pravdivy pribeh (2015), najdlhsia jazda (2015), first kill (2017), to the bone (2017), sleight (2016), my cousin rachel (2017), the wall (2017), nocna hra (2018), s laskou rosie (2014), kamene bolesti (2016), dont knock twice (2016), phoenix forgotten (2017), the ottoman lieutenant (2017), nic nas nerozdeli (2012), s.w.a.t.: under siege (2017), from a house on willow street (2016), neporazitelny: navrat krala (2016), armed response (2017), chronicky metropolitny (2016), 68 kill (2017), security (2017), the transfiguration (2016), the dinner (2017), columbus (2017), kung fu yoga (2017), message from the king (2016), detroit (2017), the veil (2017), snatched (2017), cervena volavka (2018), cage dive (2017), ako vycvicit draka 2 (2014), pilgrimage (2017), laska stoji za vsetko (2017), ako sa stat zlatokopom (2017), naked (2017), marjorie prime (2017), 6 days (2017), the adventurers (2017), the monster project (2017), kill switch (2017), 7 sestier (2017), the post: afera v pentagone (2017), ghost house (2017), unleashed (2017), rememory (2017), jackals (2017), death note (2017), kat poroty (2013), utajeny zlocin (2014), ja earl a dievca na zomretie (2015), temple (2017), bushwick (2017), little evil (2017), tomb raider (2018), raw (2016), band aid (2017), trezor (2017), v utajeni (2017), goon: last of the enforcers (2017), pacific rim: povstanie (2018), steve jobs (2015), the immortal life of henrietta lacks (2017), anti matter (2016), divoka babska jazda (2017), milionovy nadhadzovac (2014), ready player one: hra sa zacina (2018), paris can wait (2016), the limehouse golem (2016), megan leavey (2017), all eyez on me (2017), justice (2017), happy hunting (2017), beatriz at dinner (2017), the wilde wedding (2017), in search of fellini (2017), pad (2017), ktory je ten pravy (2017), ja tonya (2017), stanfordsky vazensky experiment (2015), joy (2015), the devils candy (2015), the hero (2017), lucky (2017), first they killed my father (2017), velmi temne obdobie (2017), crash pad (2017), vengeance: a love story (2017), ocko je doma 2 (2017), victoria and abdul (2017), srdcu nerozkazes (2017), our souls at night (2017), stronger (2017), project lazarus (2016), the sound (2017), sniper: ultimate kill (2017), geralds game (2017), besnenie (2018), lupez po anglicky (2012), danske dievca (2015), rodinna lupez (2017), sufrazetka (2015), the survivalist (2015), nevestou v decembri (2016), cult of chucky (2017), churchill (2017), the layover (2017), prizrak (2017), cold moon (2016), the book of henry (2017), vadi nevadi (2018), daleko od hlucneho davu (2015), na navsteve (2015), the osiris child (2016), dementia 13 (2017), better watch out (2016), to dievca musis milovat (2014), velka orieskova lupez 2 (2017), maudie (2016), american satan (2017), the crucifixion (2017), blokoti (2018), hon na lisku (2014), oklamany (2017), demonic (2015), hora medzi nami (2017), 6 below: miracle on the mountain (2017), wish upon (2017), avengers: nekonecna vojna (2018), lady macbeth (2016), the meyerowitz stories (2017), the babysitter (2017), strateni v karibiku (2017), girls trip (2017), the secret scripture (2016), the man from earth: holocane (2017), landline (2017), blood money (2017), 1922 (2017), let her out (2016), nightworld (2017), tragedy girls (2017), strateny v dzungli (2017), wheelman (2017), malickost k narodeninam (2017), leatherface (2017), acts of vengeance (2017), the bachelors (2017), na doraz (2017), creep 2 (2017), the only living boy in new york (2017), killing gunther (2017), emoji film (2017), prianie smrti (2018), most beautiful island (2017), una (2016), the glass castle (2017), najomny vrah (2015), rise of the footsoldier 3 (2017), 24 hours to live (2017), ingrid goes west (2017), auta 3 (2017), patti cakes (2017), bitch (2017), the little hours (2017), november criminals (2017), this is your death (2017), tiche miesto (2018), i love you daddy (2017), mudbound (2017), amityville: awakening (2017), brigsby bear (2017), mayhem (2017), lemon (2017), revolt (2017), beach rats (2017), nails (2017), dismissed (2017), sweet virginia (2017), almost friends (2016), ryde (2017), birth of the dragon (2016), daj mi tvoje meno (2017), crooked house (2017), gun shy (2017), good time (2017), kalvaria (2014), tulipanova horucka (2017), the tribes of palos verdes (2017), hangman (2017), smrtihlav (2017), singularity (2017), slumber (2017), f the prom (2017), ja zloduch 3 (2017), deadpool 2 (2018), spinave prachy (2014), vychodiskovy bod (2014), all saints (2017), lego ninjago movie (2017), viceroys house (2017), the pirates of somalia (2017), solo: a star wars story (2018), padmaavat (2018), the ballad of lefty brown (2017), bullet head (2017), beyond skyline (2017), wolf warrior 2 (2017), blok 99 (2017), kod enigmy (2014), jeepers creepers 3 (2017), hollow in the land (2017), bright (2017), riot (2015), blame (2017), nadych pre lasku (2017), suboj pohlavi (2017), showdown in manila (2016), ja daniel blake (2016), day of the death: bloodline (2018), devils gate (2017), rebel v zite (2017), brads status (2017) debbina 8 (2018), vojna dronov (2018), freak show (2017), mark felt (2017), unfried (2016), marshall (2017), the foreigner (2017), sefka (2016), acts of violence (2018), taguj! (2018), inside (2016), komando nehanebnych bastardov (2015), the competition (2018), the midnight man (2016), zabitie posvatneho jelena (2017), thank you for your service (2017), mamka a ocko (2017), delirium (2018), a futile and stupid gesture (2018), primal rage (2018), the open house (2018), the neighbor (2018), goodbye christopher robin (2017), kickboxer retaliation (2017), please stand by (2017), velka svadba (2013), living among us (2018), last flag flying (2017), profesor marston and the wonder woman (2017), jigsaw (2017), victor crowley (2017), scorched earth (2018), red dog: true blue (2016), all i see is you (2016), braven (2018), the cloverfield paradox (2018), s.u.m. 1 (2017), kill order (2017), matky rebelky: stastne a vesele (2017), suburbicon: temne predmestie (2017), accident man (2018), jursky svet: zanik rise (2018), v kralovych zahradach (2014), velky zazrak (2012), chlap na roztrhanie (2012), najsilnejsie puto 2 (2014), priserakovci (2017), keep watching (2016), holicstvo: novy zostrih (2016), walking out (2017), when we first me (2018), only the brave (2017), mad to be normal (2017), the female brain (2017), hellraiser: judgment (2018), the stray (2018), still/born (2018), bomb city (2017), permission (2017), irreplaceable you (2018), renegades (2017), obycajna tvar (2017), the ritual (2017), same kind of different as me (2017), the florida project (2017), looking glass (2018), hviezda (2017), roman j israel (2017), coco (2017), co s laskou (2014), the lodgers (2017), curvature (2017), operation red sea (2018), ant-man a wasp (2018), dont talk to irene (2017), the cured (2017), siembamba (2018), midnighters (2017), the vanishing of sidney hall (2018), villa capri (2017), annihilation (2018), the man who invented christmas (2017), koleso zazrakov (2017), novitiate (2017), mute (2018), children of the corn: runaway (2018), allure (2017), small town crime (2017), bent (2018), ferdinand (2017), ladime 3 (2017), dear dictator (2018), the outsider (2018), family blood (2018), welcome the stranger (2018), dieta v pravy cas (2017), pyewacket (2017), beast of burden (2018), the titan (2018), i kill giants (2017), disaster artist (2017), game over man (2018), lady bird (2017), status update (2018), chamrad (2017), my friend dahmer (2017), the humanity bureau (2017), nit z prizrakov (2017), spinning man (2018), wildling (2018), paterno (2018), bastardi (2017), mrakodrap (2018), party bus to hell (2017), and then i go (2017), deep blue sea 2 (2018), proud mary (2018), az na dno (2017), 10x10 (2018), borg/mcenroe (2017), sicario 2: soldado (2018), corbin nash (2018), the strange ones (2017), filmove hviezdy nezomieraju v liverpoole (2017), ghost stories (2017), adventures in public schol (2017), kodachrome (2017), vsetky prachy sveta (2017), molly a jej hra (2017), strazcovia hrobky (2018), milenci tych druhych (2015), downrange (2017), backstabbing for beginners (2018), maria magdalena (2018), paddington 2 (2017), hostiles (2017), forever my girl (2018), the cleanse (2016), nostalgia (2018), gehenna: where death lives (2016), the con is on (2018), stephanie (2017), the week of (2018), darebak a pretekarka (2017), 12 strong (2018), winchester: sidlo demonov (2018), v pasci casu (2018), tracers: najrychlejsi lupici (2015), higher power (2018), another kind of wedding (2017), the escape (2017), the kissing booth (2018), pomsta (2017), patdesiat odtienov slobody (2018), odnikial (2017), anon (2018), monkey king 3 (2018), lake placid: legacy (2018), pribeh (2018), the hollow child (2017), dark crimes (2016), cargo (2018), samson (2018), kralik peter (2018), 15:17 pariz (2018), tmava mysel (2018), apostasy (2017), social animals (2018), all summers end (2017), future world (2018), a kid like jake (2018), feral (2017), thoroughbreds (2017), in darkness (2018), the debt collector (2018), den co den (2018), fahrenheit 451 (2018), terminal (2018), sezona zabijania (2013), darcek (2015), contract to kill (2016), mary shelley (2017), 211(2018), gringo (2018), i can only imagine (2018), the hurricane heist (2018), triassic world (2018), stratili sme stalina (2017), the yellow birds (2017), brain on fire (2016), set it up (2018), mission impossible: fallout (2018), calibre (2018), the endless (2017), ghostland (2018), ideal home (2018), apostol pavol (2018), loving pablo (2017), the catcher was a spy (2018), oni 2: nocna korist (2018), flower (2017), ja simon (2018), another wolfcop (2017), where is kyra (2017), the devils doorway (2018), leisure seeker (2017), lean on pete (2017), big legend (2018), the domestics (2018), woman walks ahead (2017), jouneys end (2017), black water (2018), gemini (2017), nepricetna (2018), escape plan 2: hades (2018), tau (2018), polnocna laska (2018), zaslubena krajina (2017), chappaquiddick (2017), beirut (2018), bleeding steel (2017), poslednych pat rokov (2014), nepoucitelni (2013), operacia entebbe (2018), how it ends (2018), china salesman (2017), meg: hrozba z hlbin (2018), rosy (2018), neposlusnost (2017), nikdy si tu nebol (2017), vianocna stretavka (2013), office uprising (2018), super troopers 2 (2018), equalizer 2 (2018), aloha (2015), occupation (2018), zoe (2018), traffik (2018), vsade same zvonceky 2 (2014), pin cushion (2017), som sexy (2018), billionaire boys club (2018), jackie a ryan (2014), the keeping hours (2017), krali (2017), ladove kralovstvo (2013), the row (2018), tully (2018), manzel na skusku (2018), sestry (2015), alien siege (2018), the miracle season (2018), nacelnik (2018), s tvarou anjela (2014), jedna za vsetky (2014), zimny pribeh (2014), veronica mars (2014), breakout (2013), noc v new yorku (2014), extinction (2018)