Komentáře 5

dosty47 | Fandíme filmu
dosty47 | 2017-04-11 15:51:34 | 0 1

Heard from an extra on set that Affleck basically co-directed the sequence with Snyder. He really wanted to dive in and was there a lot. Preparation for his Batman directing gig, I guess. The extra said he was sitting with Snyder and his wife behind the monitor and sometimes he was talking to the extras with Snyder and told them what to do. Seems like WB and the producers allowed him to be like a shadow on set for couple of weeks. He also said that the prologue will be epic. He felt like he was in a war zone with all the extras.

I don't know him. Looked at the IMDB actors credits and then in some bizarre turn of events, I got to talk to him privately on social media. I asked if he can say something and he said the prologue was filmed in separate days and he couldn't figure out what was going on in the scene but he can tell me about the experience. Basically said he was waiting a lot, lots of rehearsals, when they were filming he was charging and pushing people in the background. Big war scene. Mocap suits. Green screen and lots of extras.
JAR | Fandíme filmu
JAR | 2017-04-11 15:15:49 | 0 0
Ty jo, tak já už se v tom solidně ztrácím. Warner ohlásil že budou JL 1 a 2 Batman,Flash,WW,Cyborg,A, Green Lantern corps a Shazam který bude ve svém vlastním vesmíru. Teď je cyborg zrušený a uvidímeho u Flashe. Flash,Shazam a Black Adam jsou furt odkládáni dál a dál. A místo toho mají příjít Nightwing,Batgirl,SS2,MoS2,Gotham city sirens. Tak jsem teda zvědavý jak tohle všechno na konec dopadne. Ps: Aspoň že ten Shazam na konec bude ve stejném Universu. To by bylo fakt už nějak moc zamotaný.
Fimi. | Fandíme filmu
Fimi. | 2017-04-11 12:07:58 | 0 1
Tyhle dva chci vidět z dc asi nejvíc ale působí to na mě jako bla bla bla bulvár že světa DC kromě Wondera woman, ligy a aquaman nevíme jistě nic
Roman | Fandíme filmu
Roman | 2017-04-11 10:20:11 | 0 1
bodaj by to by uz prekonalo vsetky moje ocakavania a furt trochu dufam ze reziser MoS 2 bude snyder
dosty47 | Fandíme filmu
dosty47 | 2017-04-11 10:11:59 | 0 1
Něco mi říká že by podtitulková scéna v Justice League ? :)

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